Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sports Arenas: Atlanta's Dream Makers or Dream Breakers?

Riding home with my friend on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive   from several meetings in downtown Atlanta, my friend driving, and I giving directions, unexpectedly, we were forced to make a sharp detour from what was the most expedient route, Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive near the Georgia Dome.  The abrupt detour of the street greatly annoyed me, but I overcame my annoyance.  

This morning after I read a report on Facebook (link posted at end of article). I had a flashback of my ride home from downtown.   After reading The Saporta Report about the realignment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, a new sea of emotions engulfed me. I did not get angry, but I felt a sense of dismay that important, sacred places and sacred symbols were being desecrated and violated.  Three Churches have been lost. Morning Star was torn down to make place for the present Georgia Dome.  Mount Vernon Church (and School) and Friendship Baptist Church are slated to be demolished for a VIP parking garage.  Now, what is the eventual fate of the Central United Methodist Church, The Mitchell Street Central Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church and The Phyllis Wheatley Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)?  

The actualization of justice, peace and the actualization of civil and equal rights for all peoples throughout the world are symbolic of the DREAM given to the world by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  The DREAM is being tarnished by the lack of respect and by the removal of the physical representations, these symbols that helped to make Atlanta a world-class city. Replacing blight with safe and affordable neighborhoods for all regardless of race, age, sex, ethnic origin, religion is a credible and noble DREAM that should not be tainted.  Shiny new skyscrapers, lavish new sports arenas and new buildings are important parts of a community, but the conscience of people is required to build strong and vibrant neighborhoods. Strong and vibrant neighborhoods are required to build a strong Atlanta.  Vibrant and connected cities and communities will make Georgia a strong STATE.   What will we do to become a CITY with a Conscience?  Will Atlanta's leaders become DREAM KEEPERS and DREAM MAKERS?  Have we become a Community of DEAL MAKERS AND DREAM BREAKERS? Will the deals surrounding sports arenas cause the Phoenix to destruct beyond its ability to resurrect?

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