Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is Snowjam 2014 About Snowy Weather, or ? Is the issue,a discombobulated Regional Transportation System?

Snowpocalypse 2014, what are the real issues: poor planning, inadequate and/or untimely communication?  Is a discombobulated inadequate Metropolitan Atlanta transportation system the real culprit?  Georgians, especially those residents of the the Metropolitan Atlanta Region, each day under normal conditions are plagued by traffic snarls.  Why are automobiles and trucks the most expedient modes of transportation for getting from one locale to another and for delivering goods throughout Metropolitan Atlanta?  Is a comprehensive public system of rail and buses required to avert and ameliorate weather debacles like the one we are experiencing?  Should we upgrade and expand the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) System of rail and buses throughout the Metropolitan Region to reduce the number of private automobiles clogging the roadways?  Where were the Georgia Regional Transit Authority (GRETA), Cobb County Transit (CCT) and other pieces of Metropolitan Atlanta's limping and discombobulated transportation system?

1 comment:

  1. Can we begin a new, open and real dialogue about Metropolitan Atlanta Transportation needs and reqjirements?
