Monday, August 25, 2014



Now that the huge, ambitious new project of constructing an expensive, retractable roofed arena on Atlanta's Westside is underway, we must consider the many implications of this mega structure's far-reaching tentacles.  Like it or not like it, the success of this project will have impacts on, not only Vine City, English Avenue, Historic Westin Heights/Bankhead and Washington Park neighborhoods largely because Atlanta is viewed through the World's microscope as the cradle of the Civil Rights movement.   

Georgia, can we, and will we build capacity to use homegrown employees from Atlanta's Westside neighborhoods to help build the Georgia Dome?  Will we (can we) help drug addicts, ex-prisoners, old and sick people as well as persons who are so far down in the pit of poverty and despair that they have no way of climbing out?  Well.  I have a dream that we can, and we must, inspire hope through a system of well-connected programs that provide education, training, drug rehabilitation, mental health counseling, as well as programs that develop CLEAN neighborhoods and promote economic development.  This network of programs must have access to real livable wage jobs to insure sustainable neighborhood stability. 

The creative use of homegrown employees and small businesses can builds capacity for self-determination and neighborhood empowerment throughout the City.  The economic and social step up for a few individuals and small businesses potentially can become a beginning to the end of Atlanta’s polarized racial and economic disparity.

Fulton County Election Results - sshHHHHH Quiet TOP SECRET

HAVE YOU HEARD? HAVE YOU READ THE NEWS?  WHO ARE THE WINNERS AND WHO were the losers in the May 20. 2014 elections?  When I went to my polling precinct around 4:00 PM, only 27 persons had voted.  Why the malaise and apathy about voting.  Why such apathy and such  lack of commitment by the United States of America. voting public? Why the failure to exercise rights granted by the U.S. Constitution?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sports Arenas: Atlanta's Dream Makers or Dream Breakers?

Riding home with my friend on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive   from several meetings in downtown Atlanta, my friend driving, and I giving directions, unexpectedly, we were forced to make a sharp detour from what was the most expedient route, Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive near the Georgia Dome.  The abrupt detour of the street greatly annoyed me, but I overcame my annoyance.  

This morning after I read a report on Facebook (link posted at end of article). I had a flashback of my ride home from downtown.   After reading The Saporta Report about the realignment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, a new sea of emotions engulfed me. I did not get angry, but I felt a sense of dismay that important, sacred places and sacred symbols were being desecrated and violated.  Three Churches have been lost. Morning Star was torn down to make place for the present Georgia Dome.  Mount Vernon Church (and School) and Friendship Baptist Church are slated to be demolished for a VIP parking garage.  Now, what is the eventual fate of the Central United Methodist Church, The Mitchell Street Central Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church and The Phyllis Wheatley Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)?  

The actualization of justice, peace and the actualization of civil and equal rights for all peoples throughout the world are symbolic of the DREAM given to the world by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  The DREAM is being tarnished by the lack of respect and by the removal of the physical representations, these symbols that helped to make Atlanta a world-class city. Replacing blight with safe and affordable neighborhoods for all regardless of race, age, sex, ethnic origin, religion is a credible and noble DREAM that should not be tainted.  Shiny new skyscrapers, lavish new sports arenas and new buildings are important parts of a community, but the conscience of people is required to build strong and vibrant neighborhoods. Strong and vibrant neighborhoods are required to build a strong Atlanta.  Vibrant and connected cities and communities will make Georgia a strong STATE.   What will we do to become a CITY with a Conscience?  Will Atlanta's leaders become DREAM KEEPERS and DREAM MAKERS?  Have we become a Community of DEAL MAKERS AND DREAM BREAKERS? Will the deals surrounding sports arenas cause the Phoenix to destruct beyond its ability to resurrect?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is Snowjam 2014 About Snowy Weather, or ? Is the issue,a discombobulated Regional Transportation System?

Snowpocalypse 2014, what are the real issues: poor planning, inadequate and/or untimely communication?  Is a discombobulated inadequate Metropolitan Atlanta transportation system the real culprit?  Georgians, especially those residents of the the Metropolitan Atlanta Region, each day under normal conditions are plagued by traffic snarls.  Why are automobiles and trucks the most expedient modes of transportation for getting from one locale to another and for delivering goods throughout Metropolitan Atlanta?  Is a comprehensive public system of rail and buses required to avert and ameliorate weather debacles like the one we are experiencing?  Should we upgrade and expand the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) System of rail and buses throughout the Metropolitan Region to reduce the number of private automobiles clogging the roadways?  Where were the Georgia Regional Transit Authority (GRETA), Cobb County Transit (CCT) and other pieces of Metropolitan Atlanta's limping and discombobulated transportation system?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Proctor Creek still plagued by problems, despite millions in...

Proctor Creek still plagued by problems, despite millions in...

What are the relationships between abandoned houses, illegal dumping, poverty, absentee landlords. education,  the lack of education, morality and immorality have on protecting our waterways?  What will throwing money at the problem, without  accountability or moral commitments to preserve and protect God's great earth, do to make sure our water and waterways are safe and usable?  Eventually poisoned water and polluted land, air and environment will devastate life for all.plants and animals.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Will The Georgia Legislature Make Room on Sacred Grounds for a World Renowned Native Son?

Ken Watts on January 20, 2014 in the Cross Roads News reported that Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, has spoken in support of a fitting memorial to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  During the short 2014 legislative session, will the Georgia General Assembly rise above issues of political parties, RACIAL PREJUDICE and social class to integrate the sacred grounds of the Georgia State Capitol with a fitting public memorial for a WORLD-renowned peacemaker (a Native Son of Atlanta Georgia)?