Sunday, May 5, 2013

Atlanta's Intown Westside Neighborhoods:Poor Planing vs. Development Running Amuck

Much has been said about a new stadium for Atlanta and people are still talking.  The recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, " Poor Planning for Poor Neighborhoods" written by Larry Keating, suggests that Atlanta's Westside inner-city neighborhoods are poorly planned, Drew's view of this news story half-heartedly supports Larry Keating's premise of poor planning.of Atlanta's inner-city's poor neighborhoods.

First, in many instances plans for these communities fail to include or give proper consideration to the elements of the natural topography of the land and how the land will be used .   It is Drew's opinion that a more egregious error in planning is the inadequate consideration of the historical needs and culture of the neighborhood with methods and suggested resources required to blend culture and use aspects with plans for the future of the neighborhoods Additionally, many plans for inner-city neighborhood redevelopment are completed without a clear, concise,yet comprehensive vision of THE BIG PICTURE essential to the survival of the neighborhoods and the Quality of Life issues required to sustain them as viable and livable neighborhoods.    

Second, oftentimes adequate plans are made,but then they are placed on a shelf without any subsequent  efforts made  to insure that the plans are properly implemented in poor neighborhoods. In other words, developers, too often are allowed to run amuck without adequate  oversight and monitoring.

Drewnell Thomas is a resident of the Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood and founder of the Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood Association and creator of  the Blog,  "Drew's Views and News Exchange"

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