Sunday, September 15, 2013

Is The Deal Real Between The Players of The New Georgia Domed Stadium and The Nearby Churches and Neighborhoods?

Have you heard or read about the NEW DEAL?  According to the following online issue of the Saporta Report, a NEW DEAL is blowing in the wind. Will the deal become real?  What are the obtainable and sustainable developments that will procure a vibrant future for Atlanta in the years ahead?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Will New Georgia Dome Create New Jobs for Local Neighborhoods?

Will New Georgia Dome Create New Jobs for Local Neighborhoods?  What are the local community benefits of a sparkling new domed sports arena for  residents of nearby neighborhoods?  In an article written by David Pendered entitled   Falcons stadium: Local hiring plan still to be addressed in discussions of community benefits deal - See more at:"
 Why has construction and permanent jobs for local residents not been at front and center  of the community benefits discussions?  What are your views about jobs as a  central component of community benefits?

Monday, August 26, 2013

What is the truth about the colleges and universities in the Atlanta University Center?

What is the truth about the colleges and universities in the Atlanta University Center?  What are you views?  What is your response to the letter written by Dr. Beverly Tatum, President of Spelman College?

The following question is asked on the Historic Westin Heights/Bankhead Neighborhood Association's  Facebook page: "Have the colleges and universities in the Atlanta University Center separated themselves from surrounding neighborhoods and local communities to an extent they have become weakened and vulnerable to devastating developmental forces without adequate community support needed for sustainability and survival?"

What are your views?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Documents: Church wanted $20M to relocate for new stadium

Documents: Church wanted $20M to relocate for new stadium  Is this stadium fight about BLACK vs. WHITE?  Is it about POWERFUL vs, DISENFRANCHISED;  Is it about PLAYTIME vs PRAY TIME?  Is it about GREED vs.JUSTICE?  Is the use of tax money for a privately owned stadium to rebuild displaced churches  What are the impacts on the churches in their current location if the stadium is built on Northside location?  What is the bottom line for fairness, justice and mercy for all impacted parties?  Where are the mediators who do not have a stake in this dog and cat fight?  What are your views?  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Liberty has failed; has justice been granted?

In the aftermath of the trial of George Zimmerman for murdering Treyvon Martin in  SELF DEFENSE, what does the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG mean to you? 
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible,With Liberty and Justice for all."

Has liberty and justice for all prevailed in the American system of justice for Treyvon Martin and for George Zimmerman?  What are your views?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

City of Atlanta proposes moving Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to avoid buying Friendship Baptist Church

City of Atlanta proposes moving Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to avoid buying Friendship Baptist Church
What is the tone of the following quote from this article?
"In a memo from Duriya Farooqui, the city’s chief operating officer, to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, it was clear the city was running out of patience — saying the project is at a “critical stage” and that the design work must be finalized so the project can continue on schedule. - See more at:  

In this quote, is Duriya Farooqui putting pressure on the Mayor.  Does Ms. Farooqui work for the Mayor or does the Mayor work for the people of Atlanta?
Why is the Northside Drive not a primary consideration for the development of the new stadium?  Can the GWCC parking decks be replaced by a new stadium?  Why are we determined to desecrate historic churches?  

...... What are your views?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Companies may rethink unpaid internships

Companies may rethink unpaid internships

Christopher Seward in the above listed article raises the question, “If an intern is willing to do the same work as employees to get the experience, but not get paid, should the company be able to offer such a position without the threat of a lawsuit?"  It is Drew's view that the U. S. Department of Labor should require an extensive review of unpaid and or minimally monetarily compensated internships and externships that are not involved with schools and educational programs. Is the use of unpaid and/or minimally monetarily compensated interns/externs exploitation by businesses, when interns willingly work to gain experience or work with  hope that this work will lead to paid employment?  What are your VIEWS? 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Can you trust persons who deliberately share secrets?  When is it okay to share secrets?  Do you divulge secrets that embarrass the owner of the secret but are potential dangers for others?   What are your views about divulging or keeping SECRETS?  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Personal Privacy vs. National Seccurity

Does personal privacy in electronic communications exist anymore?  Is the United States of America at increased risk of International and Domestic Terrorism with or without, the monitoring of personal communications?  Is the privacy of personal communications (telephone, internet interactive television, games, and the like) more important than enhanced National security that comes from monitoring our personal communications and conversations?  Does monitoring reduce risks from International and Domestic Terrorists?  Follow the link in my blog, read the article and express your views on Drew's Views and News Exchange. 

Friday, May 31, 2013



Follow the link: and read the article "Support the Pollinator Protection Amendment to the Senate Farm Bill"  published by the Center for Food Safety.  After you have formulated your views, the you must act immediately, especially if BUZZING BEES are important to you.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Is Memorial Day a day to celebrate the advent of Summer with Parades, Festivals an Cookouts?  ?  What is the Service; where is the Sacrifice Why do we celebrate? What are your views about Memorial Day?

Friday, May 24, 2013

5/24 Luckovich cartoon: There’s an app for that

5/24 Luckovich cartoon: There’s an app for that
Should the purchasing power of the Middle Class and the Below Middle Class be disproportionately be taken away by income taxes, sales taxes and other taxes called fines and fees?  What is your view?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some Spelman parents barred from graduation

Some Spelman parents barred from graduation

Spelman graduates and others, were the gatekeepers of graduation ceremonies just doing their job in maintaining the decorum and historical dignity of their school's most significant events of the year? Express you views and tell  us why.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Proctor Creek Watershed Clean Up Invigorates Redevelopment of Ailing Westside Neighborhoods: REAL OR SURREAL?

REAL!!!  Atlanta's Mayor Kasim Reed, Atlanta City Council members Ivory Young and Felicia Moore joined powerful federal officials and clean water advocates to announce funding and support for cleaning up Proctor Creek
SURREAL OR REAL??? Neglected Westside neighborhoods impacted by Procter Creek with the help of the impending funding for the massive cleanup of the Procter Creek watershed, in the near future,  will impacted neighborhoods be invigorated and thrive in the years to come????.
Express your views! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Federal Funding for Atlanta Westside's Proctor Creek: Real Vs. Surreal?

 The Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood Association, Inc., created to help restore neighborhood pride in a locale that for many years has been without an active neighborhood association.  Funding and attention to the Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood (Proctor Creek included) will help reestablish a positive neighborhood identity.  Establishment of correctly placed signs delineating the boundaries of The Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood is important in creating a positive neighborhood identity.  Proper signage will proudly beckon residents and visitors to the · Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood ·The new Association will host neighborhood meetings for residents, stakeholders and friends to provide a neighborhood based voice in the destiny the Historic Westin Heights. Bankhead Neighborhood. 
     Over the years, the neighborhood's positive identity has eroded.  This neighborhood, currently known as a neighborhood corrupted by drug peddling, drug use and is currently notoriously for the death of a 92-year old female resident at the hands of her protectors, Atlanta Policemen  
  The Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood is long overdue for a physical clean up, the revitalization of Maddox park, the reopening of the closed A.F. Herndon Elementary school and the restoration of beautiful bungalow homes that have become derelict by place holding investors.  
     It is Drew's View that the physical cleanup of Maddox Park, the cleanup of Proctor Creek, the reopening Herndon Elementary School and the restoration of homes in Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood will facilitate the cultural renaissance of the area.  
     Is the proposed federal funding for Proctor Creek and for Maddox Park,,,,, REAL OR SURREAL?  What is you view?
Drewnell Thomas is a resident of the Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood and founder of the Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood Associatio, Inc. and the creator of  the Blog,  "Drew's Views and News Exchange"

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Atlanta's Intown Westside Neighborhoods:Poor Planing vs. Development Running Amuck

Much has been said about a new stadium for Atlanta and people are still talking.  The recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, " Poor Planning for Poor Neighborhoods" written by Larry Keating, suggests that Atlanta's Westside inner-city neighborhoods are poorly planned, Drew's view of this news story half-heartedly supports Larry Keating's premise of poor planning.of Atlanta's inner-city's poor neighborhoods.

First, in many instances plans for these communities fail to include or give proper consideration to the elements of the natural topography of the land and how the land will be used .   It is Drew's opinion that a more egregious error in planning is the inadequate consideration of the historical needs and culture of the neighborhood with methods and suggested resources required to blend culture and use aspects with plans for the future of the neighborhoods Additionally, many plans for inner-city neighborhood redevelopment are completed without a clear, concise,yet comprehensive vision of THE BIG PICTURE essential to the survival of the neighborhoods and the Quality of Life issues required to sustain them as viable and livable neighborhoods.    

Second, oftentimes adequate plans are made,but then they are placed on a shelf without any subsequent  efforts made  to insure that the plans are properly implemented in poor neighborhoods. In other words, developers, too often are allowed to run amuck without adequate  oversight and monitoring.

Drewnell Thomas is a resident of the Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood and founder of the Historic Westin Heights / Bankhead Neighborhood Association and creator of  the Blog,  "Drew's Views and News Exchange"

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Atlanta schools plan pay and job cuts

Atlanta schools plan pay and job cuts

Do you have an opinion on this potential move by the Atlanta Public School System?  How does this reduction in wages and jobs plan fit into a long range strategic plan?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Building A Better GPS

Building A Better GPS

Where will science take us?  How can we secure our space on this earth, or can we secure our space in the Universe?  What are your views and do you have news about  GPS?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Improper Public Protocol

(President) Obama apologizes to Calif. AG for comment on looks

Is the President's lighthearted and benign public compliment to a lady about her beauty worse than commenting a well dressed man on his stylish suit or tie?  Should members of the press use the proper title -- President of Mr. President, when speaking to the President or speaking about the President of the United States of American?   Many members of the press (and other public officials) continually publically address President Obama as "Obama" without his proper title.  In Drew's View, this misstep in proper protocol is a more egregious misstep in using proper protocol

Old ‘Paschals Center’ seen as thwart to progress - The Atlanta Voice: News

Old ‘Paschals Center’ seen as thwart to progress - The Atlanta Voice: News: ATLANTA – It was a place where the elite would meet to eat, where civil rights leaders would convene to plot “movement” strategy, and where hu…

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Westin Heights Baptist Church

Have you heard of Westin Heights Baptist Church in Northwest Atlanta? And do you know the street address of the building? Please note that this church  is no longer functioning as Westin Heights Baptist Church in Northwest Atlanta Georgia?  If the building is still standing, what is the use of the building?