Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Complexity of Preserving History: reBuilding Atlanta's Westside

Complexity of Preserving History: reBuilding Atlanta's Westside

According to the Saporta Report, , Two historical jewels on Atlanta's Westside, Gaines Hall on the Morris Brown Campus and the  old Paschal's Restaurant ,   & LaCarousel Lounge on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive should be saved, and I agree.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, with notable historic buildings and places, is a Gateway to Atlanta’s Westside where a culture of Education, Economic and Social Justice for ALL persons emerged and resonated throughout the World. 

How do we get a clearer understanding of the complexity of Atlanta’s history and evolution? What are the best pathways to continue the work to create “The Beloved Community” of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s DREAM?   The appealing nature and complexity of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s message and work, earned him the Nobel Peace Prize and an assassin’s bullet.  How do we preserve (the Good, The Bad and the ugly) of this rich history and make Atlanta's  Westside the  Beloved Community of  Dr. and Mrs. King's Dream?

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