IS Westin Heights/ Bankhead Risising Up or Drownig in the Creek?
Will the
disparity gap, the racial divide and the prevalence of social injustice, diminish
and vanish with the changing Westside neighborhoods? Will long-suffering indigenous residents, families and children
who stayed, but because they chose to stay, they greatly suffered from the ill
effects of poor schools, environmental injustices of illegal dumping, pollution
of the earth, the water and the air. Unbridled drug-trafficking, and other
social and economic disparities, were permitted to flourish and eviscerate the
neighborhoods causing once beautiful, thriving neighborhoods to look like disaster
zones? As the PHOENIX again rises from
the embers of its ashes and takes flight, will economics, class and racial
identity be determinants of the residents and stakeholders of the NEW Westside neighborhoods?
What does the future hold for us, for our children and for our children's children?
Will we, and our progeny, enjoy the prosperity that is envisioned for the NEW WESTSIDE?