Thursday, June 27, 2013

City of Atlanta proposes moving Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to avoid buying Friendship Baptist Church

City of Atlanta proposes moving Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to avoid buying Friendship Baptist Church
What is the tone of the following quote from this article?
"In a memo from Duriya Farooqui, the city’s chief operating officer, to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, it was clear the city was running out of patience — saying the project is at a “critical stage” and that the design work must be finalized so the project can continue on schedule. - See more at:  

In this quote, is Duriya Farooqui putting pressure on the Mayor.  Does Ms. Farooqui work for the Mayor or does the Mayor work for the people of Atlanta?
Why is the Northside Drive not a primary consideration for the development of the new stadium?  Can the GWCC parking decks be replaced by a new stadium?  Why are we determined to desecrate historic churches?  

...... What are your views?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Companies may rethink unpaid internships

Companies may rethink unpaid internships

Christopher Seward in the above listed article raises the question, “If an intern is willing to do the same work as employees to get the experience, but not get paid, should the company be able to offer such a position without the threat of a lawsuit?"  It is Drew's view that the U. S. Department of Labor should require an extensive review of unpaid and or minimally monetarily compensated internships and externships that are not involved with schools and educational programs. Is the use of unpaid and/or minimally monetarily compensated interns/externs exploitation by businesses, when interns willingly work to gain experience or work with  hope that this work will lead to paid employment?  What are your VIEWS? 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Can you trust persons who deliberately share secrets?  When is it okay to share secrets?  Do you divulge secrets that embarrass the owner of the secret but are potential dangers for others?   What are your views about divulging or keeping SECRETS?  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Personal Privacy vs. National Seccurity

Does personal privacy in electronic communications exist anymore?  Is the United States of America at increased risk of International and Domestic Terrorism with or without, the monitoring of personal communications?  Is the privacy of personal communications (telephone, internet interactive television, games, and the like) more important than enhanced National security that comes from monitoring our personal communications and conversations?  Does monitoring reduce risks from International and Domestic Terrorists?  Follow the link in my blog, read the article and express your views on Drew's Views and News Exchange.